OnlyU® PEM Disposable Cover & Protection Foil

OnlyU® PEM Disposable Cover & Protection Foil

PEM Disposable Covers for rollboards for hygienic semi-critical and critical applications, types of use and locations

The OnlyU PEM Disposable Cover is a tubular film – skin-friendly, low-tear, latex-free, biocompatible and food-safe. The special composition of the material ensures high lubricity when used in daily care.

The use of PEM Disposable Covers reduces the risk of cross-infections and saves time-consuming and costly disinfection processes. PEM Disposable Covers can be used directly on the corpus without a textile cover. Supplied ready for use in a dispenser box on a perforated roll.


Can also be ordered as a set consisting of Rollboard Vision body with PEM Disposable Cover on roll – for consistent hygiene paired with superior cost-effectiveness


OnlyU Disposable Protection Foil for Rollboard Vision for hygienically critical applications and places of use

For easy and quick handling, the Disposable Protection Foil is pulled over the Rollboard Vision with textile cover – supplied on roll, perforated.


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